
Why explicit Integer conversion doesn't apply as expected

提问人:MarlonB 提问时间:9/19/2023 最后编辑:MarlonB 更新时间:9/20/2023 访问量:126


请注意,我的问题不是“为什么浮点数会失去精度”我知道并非一个数字的所有小数部分都可以以二进制形式存在。真正存储的实际上是“最接近的数字” 占据了所有尾数位空间。


//This is just an example.
float f1 = 17.96f, f3 = 17.98f;
double d2 = 17.96, d4 = 17.98;
printf("1. 17.96 = %f (as cents:%d)\n", price1, (int)(f1 * 100));
printf("2. 17.96 = %lf (as cents:%d)\n", price2, (int)(d2 * 100));
printf("3. 17.98 = %f (as cents:%d)\n", price3, (int)(f3 * 100));
printf("4. 17.98 = %lf (as cents:%d)\n", price4, (int)(d4 * 100));


1. 17.96 = 17.959999 (as int:1795)
2. 17.96 = 17.960000 (as int:1796)
3. 17.98 = 17.980000 (as int:1798)
4. 17.98 = 17.980000 (as int:1798)

我将打印格式更改为小数点后第 25 位,以查看内存中存储的“实数”是什么。 结果显示

1. 17.96 = 17.9599990844726562500000000 (as int:1795)
2. 17.96 = 17.9600000000000008526512829 (as int:1796)
3. 17.98 = 17.9799995422363281250000000 (as int:1798)
4. 17.98 = 17.9800000000000004263256415 (as int:1798)

问题是为什么 (int)(f1* 100) 的结果为 1795 而不是 1796,根据“实际存储的数字”是 17.9599990844726562500000000。

但是 (int)(f3 * 100) 的结果是 1798 而不是 1797.而 ''real stored number'' 是 17.9799995422363281250000000。“the”实数 * 100 等于 1797.99995422363281250000000。所以在整数截断之后,它应该是 1797 年,但我得到了 1798 年。

c 浮点精度


4赞 JohnFilleau 9/19/2023
4赞 Ken White 9/19/2023
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5赞 user207421 9/19/2023
2赞 cafce25 9/19/2023
1赞 cafce25 9/19/2023


4赞 chux - Reinstate Monica 9/19/2023 #1

常见,是一些整数乘以 2 的幂。参见二元理性floatdouble



printf("%.52e %.52e\n", 17.96f, 17.98f);
printf("%.52e %.52e\n", 17.96, 17.98);
1.7959999084472656250000000000000000000000000000000000e+01 1.7979999542236328125000000000000000000000000000000000e+01
1.7960000000000000852651282912120223045349121093750000e+01 1.7980000000000000426325641456060111522674560546875000e+01

按 100 缩放会产生额外的舍入效果 - 可能会向上或向下一点。产品可能是 1796、1798 或略高于或略低于。

召回率与数学 17.96 * 100 不同,但是(即 1795.999908447265625),然后将该乘积四舍五入到最接近的值:1795.9998779296875。17.96f * 10017.95999908447265625f * 100.0ffloat

printf("%.52e %.52e\n", 17.96f * 100, 17.98f * 100);
printf("%.52e %.52e\n", 17.96 * 100, 17.98 * 100);
1.7959998779296875000000000000000000000000000000000000e+03 1.7980000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e+03
1.7960000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e+03 1.7980000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e+03

OP 添加了<“的”实数 * 100 等于 1797.99995422363281250000000>
这确实是数学上的明智之举,但它是乘积的乘法。由于 1797.9999542236328125 不能表示为 ,因此结果四舍五入为 1 或 2 附近的 s:1797.9998779296875 或 1798.0。使用 OP 的 FP 舍入模式,它可能四舍五入到最接近值:1798.0。将其转换为 1798 年。

C23 可以选择提供十进制浮点数,最适合用于类似的十进制问题。


应用铸件是有问题的编码,因为乘积计算可能会产生 1796 年或 1798 年,因为先前的乘积是 1795.999......1797.999... 使用会更有意义。intlround()

为了很好地使用(一个糟糕的主意)来扩展资金,请乘以 100.0 (a) 并使用 或 。floatdoublellround()lround()

要将货币使用成整数,请乘以 100.0L (a ) 并使用 或 。doublelong doublellroundl()lroundl()


printf("%ld %ld\n", lround(17.96f * 100.0), lround(17.98f * 100.0));
printf("%lld %lld\n", llroundl(17.96 * 100.0L), llroundl(17.98 * 100.0L));
1796 1798
1796 1798

注意就像 - 乘法。这与 - 乘法不同。17.96f * 10017.96f * 100.0ffloat17.96f * 100.0double


0赞 MarlonB 9/20/2023
Hi, thanks for answering my question. I've known that floating numbers stored in the system are not actually the numbers themselves unless their fractional part is 1/2^n. So I changed the print format up to 25 decimal places to check the " nearest number". 17.96f = 17.9599990844726562500000000 (as cents:1795) 17.98f = 17.9799995422363281250000000 (as cents:1798) . after * 100 then explicitly convert to Int , first one rounded down to 1795 , second didn't round down to 1797 . That's what I can't figure. I asked my school instructor she couldn't tell. So I think 7th decimal number decide it
0赞 MarlonB 9/20/2023
and I am also confused about this part Recall 17.96f * 100 is not the same as math 17.96 * 100, but 1.795999908447265625f * 100.0f (which is 179.5999908447265625), and then that product is rounded to the nearest float: 179.59998779296875. 17.96f x100 is 1.795999908447265625f * 100.0f , why it's not 17.95999908447265625f x 100f? and I think 100 does not matter whether it's 100.0f (as a float) or 100 (as Int) It won't impact the result because the "fractional part " is 0 which makes it perfectly stored in the mantissa bit space.
0赞 chux - Reinstate Monica 9/20/2023
@MarlonB That's what I can't figure --> What is ? Math wise, the product is , yet that is not representable as a . The closest is . Converting that to an is .17.979999542236328125f * 1001797.9999542236328125floatfloat1798.0fint1798
0赞 chux - Reinstate Monica 9/20/2023
@MarlonB Re: and I am also confused ...: clerical error fixed in answer.
0赞 MarlonB 9/20/2023
Thanks for your supplementary explanation. now I finally understand that.