提问人:Ashley 提问时间:11/8/2023 最后编辑:Ashley 更新时间:11/10/2023 访问量:45
向 ggflexsurv 图添加阴影置信区间
Add shaded confidence interval to ggflexsurv plot
Survminer 包中的 ggflexsurv 似乎只支持虚线置信区间线,而不是阴影/填充线。我尝试了一些解决方法,例如这个线程,但无济于事。
我的最后一次尝试是将链接线程中答案的代码插入到 ggflexsurv 的源代码中
ggflexsurvplotmod <- function(fit,
data = NULL,
fun = c("survival", "cumhaz"),
summary.flexsurv = NULL,
size = 1,
conf.int = FALSE,
conf.int.flex = conf.int,
conf.int.km = FALSE,
legend.labs = NULL,...)
if (!requireNamespace("flexsurv", quietly = TRUE)){
stop("flexsurv package needed for this function to work. Please install it.")}
if(!inherits(fit, "flexsurvreg")){
stop("Can't handle an object of class ", class(fit))
fun <- match.arg(fun)}
data <- .get_data(fit, data = data, complain = FALSE)
summ <- .summary_flexsurv(fit, type = fun,
summary.flexsurv = summary.flexsurv)
.strata <- summ$strata
n.strata <- .strata %>% .levels() %>% length()
fit.ext <- .extract.survfit(fit)
surv.obj <- fit.ext$surv
surv.vars <- fit.ext$variables
.formula <- fit.ext$formula
isfac <- .is_all_covariate_factor(fit)
{.formula <- .build_formula(surv.obj, "1")
n.strata <- 1}
if(n.strata == 1 & missing(conf.int)) conf.int <- TRUE
# Fit KM survival curves
x <- do.call(survival::survfit,
list(formula = .formula, data = data))
fun <- if(fun == "survival") NULL else fun
ggsurv <- ggsurvplot_core(x,
data = data,
size = 0.5,
fun = fun,
conf.int = conf.int.km,
legend.labs = legend.labs, ...)
# Overlay the fitted models
# Check legend labels if specified
if(n.strata != length(legend.labs))
stop("The length of legend.labs should be ", n.strata )
summ$strata <- factor(summ$strata,
levels = .levels(.strata),
labels = legend.labs)
time <- est <- strata <- lcl <- ucl <- NULL
ggsurv$plot <-
ggsurv$plot +
color = strata),
data = summ,
size = size)
stairstepn <- function( data, direction="hv", yvars="y" )
{direction <- match.arg(direction, c("hv", "vh") )
data <- as.data.frame(data)[ order( data$x ), ]
n <- nrow( data )
if ( direction == "vh" ) {
xs <- rep( 1:n, each = 2 )[ -2 * n ]
ys <- c( 1, rep( 2:n, each = 2 ) )
} else {
ys <- rep( 1:n, each = 2 )[ -2 * n ]
xs <- c( 1, rep( 2:n, each = 2))
x = data$x[ xs ]
, data[ ys, yvars, drop=FALSE ]
, data[ xs, setdiff( names( data ), c( "x", yvars ) ), drop=FALSE ]
stat_stepribbon <- function(mapping = NULL,
data = NULL,
geom = "ribbon",
position = "identity",
inherit.aes = TRUE)
{ggplot2::layer(stat = Stepribbon,
mapping = mapping,
data = data,
geom = geom,
position = position,
inherit.aes = inherit.aes)}
StatStepribbon <- ggproto("stepribbon",
compute_group =
function(., data, scales,
direction = "hv",
yvars = c( "ymin", "ymax" ), ...)
{stairstepn(data = data,
direction = direction,
yvars = yvars )},
required_aes = c( "x", "ymin", "ymax" ))
if(conf.int.flex) ggsurv$plot <- ggsurv$plot+
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lcl,
ymax = ucl),
fill = strata,
stat = "stepribbon",
data = summ,
#other version of geom_ribbon() attempted
#geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lcl,ymax=ucl), data = summ,fill=strata, alpha=0.3) #stat="identity"
#original code in package
#geom_line(aes(time, lcl, color = strata), data = summ, #size = 0.5, linetype = "dashed")+
#geom_line(aes(time, ucl, color = strata), data = summ, #size = 0.5, linetype = "dashed")
.summary_flexsurv <- function(fit, type = "survival", summary.flexsurv = NULL){
summ <- summary.flexsurv
summ <- summary(fit, type = type)}
if(length(summ) == 1){summ <- summary(fit)[[1]] %>%
dplyr::mutate(strata = "All")}
else{.strata <- names(summ)
summ <- purrr::pmap(list(.strata, summ), function(.s, .summ){
dplyr::mutate(.summ, strata = .s )})
summ <- dplyr::bind_rows(summ)
summ$strata <- factor(summ$strata, levels = .strata)}
# Check if all covariates are factor or character vector
.is_all_covariate_factor <- function(fit){
x <- fit
mf <- stats::model.frame(x)
Xraw <- mf[,attr(mf, "covnames.orig"), drop=FALSE]
dat <- x$datasapply(Xraw,is_factor_or_character)}
is_factor_or_character <- function(x){is.facet(x) | is.character(x)}
#This code "saves" the modified code into the packageenvironment(ggflexsurvplotmod) <- asNamespace('survminer')
assignInNamespace("ggflexsurvplot", ggflexsurvplotmod, ns = "survminer")
code_example = flexsurvreg(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ sex, data = lung,dist = "gompertz")
ggflexsurvplotmod(code_example, conf.int = T) `
geom_ribbon() 中的错误: 计算美学时的问题。 i 错误发生在第 5 层。 由错误引起: 未找到对象“surv”
答: 暂无答案