
How to intergrate semBCreate(VxWorks) and sem_init(Linux) signal function

提问人:qicheng wang 提问时间:3/3/2023 更新时间:7/3/2023 访问量:79


我有一个任务,我有一个基于 Vxworks 的大代码,现在我想将其迁移到 Linux C 语言。我的目标是不更改我的原始代码,如下所示:

pid = semBCreate(int arg1, long int arg2){
    sem_init(&pid, int arg1, long int arg2);

我知道这是错误的,因为 Vxworks 的 semBCreate 只有 2 个参数,但 sem_init(Linux) 需要 3 个参数,上面的代码是用来表达我的目的的。我必须使用Vxworks的函数名来保留我的原始代码(semBCreate),但实现sem_init功能。 如何完成??????请帮帮我,谢谢!!!!

C Linux vxworks


0赞 Daniel Walker 3/3/2023
您编写的内容不是有效的 C 代码(例如,使用 调用函数)。你能仔细检查你的代码吗?此外,将 a 作为第一个参数,而您似乎正在传递 .int arg1sem_initsem_t*pid_t*
1赞 Craig Estey 3/3/2023
你有没有看过: 白皮书:RTOS 迁移 它包含有关如何从 VxWorks 移植到 Linux API 的部分


0赞 Super Mario 7/3/2023 #1


typedef int SEM_ID;

typedef struct
   // mapping the VxWorks semaphore ID with the Linux semaphore data
   SEM_ID semId;
   sem_t sem;

semData semaphors[MAX_NUMBER_OF_SEMAPHORES]; // must be initialized with 0

SEM_ID semBCreate(int options, SEM_B_STATE initialState)
   int i = 0;
   for(; i < MAX_NUMBER_OF_SEMAPHORES; i++)
      if(semaphors[i].semId == 0)
         break; // free space for new semaphore found

      return 0; // no free space for new semaphore

   // Since VxWorks semaphores only work within the same process, the second
   // parameter can be set to 0.
   // The value of the third parameter is the same as in VxWorks (0 or 1 for binary semaphore).
   if(sem_init(&semaphors[i].sem, 0, (unsigned int)initialState) != 0)
      return 0; // creating semaphore failed

   semaphors[i].semId = i + 1;
   return semaphors[i].semId; // creating semaphore successfull

STATUS semTake(SEM_ID semId, int timeout)
   semData *semaphore = getSemaphore(semId);
   if(semaphore == NULL)
      return ERROR; // semaphore not found

   // I assumed 1 tick to be 1ms. If not, more calculation is needed!
   struct timespec tout;
   tout.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
   tout.tv_nsec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000000;
   if(sem_timedwait(&semaphore->sem, &tout) != 0)
      return ERROR;
   return OK;

STATUS semGive(SEM_ID semId)
   semData *semaphore = getSemaphore(semId);
   if(semaphore == NULL)
      return ERROR; // semaphore not found

   if(sem_post(&semaphore->sem) != 0)
      return ERROR;
   return OK;

static semData* getSemaphore(SEM_ID semId)
   for(int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_OF_SEMAPHORES; i++)
      if(semaphors[i].semId == semId)
         return &semaphors[i]; // semaphore found

   return NULL; // semaphore not found
