提问人:Zju Xi 提问时间:11/9/2023 更新时间:11/9/2023 访问量:16
R 中的投资组合回测包:“价格包含 NA”,尽管调整后的价格已填充非 NA 值
portfolioBacktest package in R: 'Prices contain NAs' despite that adjusted prices have been filled with non-NA values
# download price data
allStock <- stockDataDownload(stock_symbols = SP500_symbols,
from = "2010-01-01", to = "2019-12-31")
#tried to download all 505 stocks,
#but some cannot be downloaded so around 450+ stocks
#some stocks were not listed so I have to fill in the NAs with the earlist value
#fill NAs in adjusted prices with the next nearest value
allStock$adjusted <- na.locf(allStock$adjusted, fromLast = TRUE)
colSums(is.na(allStock$adjusted)) # all 0, indicating no NAs
anyNA(allStock$adjusted) #FALSE, indicating no NAs
#the following 2 functions have no problems as I copied the code from
#*Fast Design of Risk Parity Portfolios*
# define portfolios to be backtested
# risk parity portfolio
#this func returns a weight vector
risk_parity <- function(dataset, ...) {
prices <- dataset$adjusted
log_returns <- diff(log(prices))[-1]
Sigma <- cov(log_returns)
rpp <- riskParityPortfolio(Sigma)
# tangency portfolio (maximum sharpe ratio)
# this func returns a weight vector
max_sharpe_ratio <- function(dataset, ...) {
prices <- dataset$adjusted
log_returns <- diff(log(prices))[-1]
N <- ncol(prices)
Sigma <- cov(log_returns)
mu <- colMeans(log_returns)
if (all(mu <= 1e-8))
return(rep(0, N))
Dmat <- 2 * Sigma
Amat <- diag(N)
Amat <- cbind(mu, Amat)
bvec <- c(1, rep(0, N))
dvec <- rep(0, N)
res <- solve.QP(Dmat = Dmat, dvec = dvec, Amat = Amat, bvec = bvec, meq = 1)
w <- res$solution
#when I run this, 'Error in (function (portfolio_fun, data, price_name, shortselling, leverage, : prices contain NAs.'
bt <- portfolioBacktest(list("risk parity portfolio" = risk_parity,
"tangency portfolio" = max_sharpe_ratio),
benchmarks = c("index","1/N"),
lookback = 252,
optimize_every = 3*20, #quarterly
rebalance_every = 3*20,
shortselling = TRUE,
execution = 'next period')
鉴于这个问题,我尝试仅从变量中提取两个列表,这是一个包含“打开”“高”的 7 个列表......“调整”和“索引”。这是我的代码:allStock
adjustedAndIndex <- list('adjusted' = allStock$adjusted, 'index' = allStock$index)
#run portfolioBacktest again
bt <- portfolioBacktest(list("risk parity portfolio" = risk_parity,
"tangency portfolio" = max_sharpe_ratio),
benchmarks = c("index","1/N"),
lookback = 252,
optimize_every = 3*20, #quarterly
rebalance_every = 3*20,
shortselling = TRUE,
execution = 'next period')
而这一次还有另一个问题,当我运行时,我希望得到这样的结果:round(backtestSummary(bt)$performance, 4)
# risk parity portfolio tangency portfolio 1/N index
#Sharpe ratio 1.1955 1.1966 1.2032 0.7928
#max drawdown 0.1851 0.2785 0.2167 0.1978
#annual return 0.1830 0.2493 0.2032 0.1139
#annual volatility 0.1531 0.2083 0.1689 0.1437
#Sortino ratio 1.6932 1.7286 1.7058 1.1063
#downside deviation 0.1081 0.1442 0.1191 0.1030
#Sterling ratio 0.9889 0.8951 0.9377 0.5758
#Omega ratio 1.2353 1.2321 1.2357 1.1565
#VaR (0.95) 0.0151 0.0206 0.0168 0.0150
#CVaR (0.95) 0.0226 0.0306 0.0249 0.0226
#rebalancing period 59.5526 59.5526 59.5526 2263.0000
#turnover 0.0015 0.0157 0.0013 0.0000
#ROT (bps) 4671.1538 577.7948 5974.2958 NA
#cpu time 0.0007 0.0007 0.0004 0.0010
#failure rate 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
> round(backtestSummary(bt)$performance, 4)
risk parity portfolio tangency portfolio 1/N index
Sharpe ratio NA NA 1.0864 0.7928
max drawdown NA NA 0.2015 0.1978
annual return NA NA 0.1558 0.1139
annual volatility NA NA 0.1434 0.1437
Sortino ratio NA NA 1.5283 1.1063
downside deviation NA NA 0.1019 0.1030
Sterling ratio NA NA 0.7733 0.5758
Omega ratio NA NA 1.2153 1.1565
VaR (0.95) NA NA 0.0147 0.0150
CVaR (0.95) NA NA 0.0222 0.0226
rebalancing period NA NA 59.5526 2263.0000
turnover NA NA 0.0013 0.0000
ROT (bps) NA NA 4718.1301 NA
cpu time NA NA 0.0005 0.0010
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