将 Identity 值从 Entityframework 映射到 DTO

Mapping Identity value into DTO from Entityframework

提问人:Eldho 提问时间:5/18/2015 更新时间:6/28/2015 访问量:637


我有方法可以从我的 DTOCollection 进行批量插入,它有 3 级循环。

public List<FirstCollectionDTO> BulkInsert(List<FirstCollectionDTO> collection)
        using (var db = new DemoEntities())
            //Setting Auto Detech Changes false when starting loop
            db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

            //Looping start
            collection.ForEach(myitem =>
                    myitem.SecondCollection.ForEach(secondLevel =>
                                 //Some Operation Over here

                            secondLevel.ThirdCollection.ForEach(thirdItem =>
                                    var myEntity= new MyTable()

                                    var insertedItem = db.MyTable.Add(myEntity);

                                    //Setting the reference of id to the 
                                    //DTO after the save changes. 
                                    //This seems always 0 as it this time
                                    // it have no id only after save changes the id be passed into InsertedItem , I have to pass the reference to myDTO also
                                    thirdItem.Id = insertedItem.Id;

            //Setting Auto Detech Changes true when starting loop
            db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;

            // Here I save my changes

            return collection;

如果 INSERT 操作成功,则写回服务器生成的值。那么我如何将这个值也纳入我的 DTO。

保存更改后如何获取插入对象的 Id,即使

C# 实体框架 ORM 按值传递


1赞 Gert Arnold 5/18/2015
这些值在 期间被赋值并读回实体,因此在此之前您无法知道它们。SaveChanges
0赞 Eldho 5/18/2015
@GertArnold有什么方法可以在保存更改后获得 id 并保持 3 个级别的关系。
0赞 Gert Arnold 5/18/2015
thirdItem可以有一个属性,包含实体对象,因此可以返回实体的 Id。MyTablethirdItem.Id
0赞 Eldho 5/18/2015
@GertArnold,是 DTO 对象,我宁愿避免来自 DTO 的 EF 引用ThirdItem
1赞 Gert Arnold 5/18/2015
然后,在此过程中使用接口(用于 EF 类)或生成 DTO/实体对的字典。


0赞 Eldho 6/28/2015 #1
//To get the inserted id 
var anonymousprojectList = (new[] { new { FirstCollectionId= 0, SecondCollectionId= 0, ThirdObject= new Document() } }).ToList();

using (var db = new DemoEntities())
        //Setting Auto Detech Changes false when starting loop
        db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

        //Looping start
        collection.ForEach(myitem =>
                myitem.SecondCollection.ForEach(secondLevel =>
                             //Some Operation Over here

                        secondLevel.ThirdCollection.ForEach(thirdItem =>
                                var myEntity= new MyTable()

                                var insertedItem = db.MyTable.Add(myEntity);

                                //Setting the reference of id to the 
                                //DTO after the save changes. 
                                //This seems always 0 as it this time
                                // it have no id only after save changes the id be passed into InsertedItem , I have to pass the reference to myDTO also
                                using (var db = new DemoEntities())
        //Setting Auto Detech Changes false when starting loop
        db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

        //Looping start
        collection.ForEach(myitem =>
                myitem.SecondCollection.ForEach(secondLevel =>
                             //Some Operation Over here

                        secondLevel.ThirdCollection.ForEach(thirdItem =>
                                var myEntity= new MyTable()

                                var insertedItem = db.MyTable.Add(myEntity);

                                //Setting the reference of id to the 
                                //DTO after the save changes. 
                                //This seems always 0 as it this time
                                // it have no id only after save changes the id be passed into InsertedItem , I have to pass the reference to myDTO also
                                anonymousprojectList.Add(new {FirstCollectionID = myItem.Od,SecondCollectionId=secondLevel.Id,ThirdObject = insertedItem});

        //Setting Auto Detech Changes true when starting loop
        db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;

        // Here I save my changes


        //Setting Auto Detech Changes true when starting loop
        db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;

        // Here I save my changes
       // Loop through the anonymous collection and assign to the input collection itself 
       //Skip header item
          //Loop through the three level and assign the value

          //Assign the value
          ThirdlevelItem.Id = ThirdObject.Id) 


return collection