速度和动量 - 我不能走得太远

Velocity & Momentum - I can't go the distance

提问人:Antonio Romero 提问时间:8/31/2014 最后编辑:Uwe KeimAntonio Romero 更新时间:8/31/2014 访问量:1979



编写一个执行以下操作的程序: 计算对象的速度和动量。速度的公式是 V=d/t,动量的公式是 m=质量*速度。程序应包含两个函数:传递值(一个),一个传递指针(一个)。它还应该有一个 for 循环和必要的 print 语句,以表格格式打印结果。 ·Passing By Values 函数用于计算对象的速度,其中将两个参数传递给该函数一个恒定的距离,但时间是 for 循环的值:I=1:

double Velocity(双倍距离,int time); ·Pass By Pointers 函数计算对象的动量,其中将两个参数传递给此函数: 物体的速度和恒定质量:mass=100:

双动量(double *Velocity,double *mass);

输出应采用由时间、速度和动量组成的表格格式。用户无需输入值,时间输入范围应为 1-200。

** 现在这是我的挣扎,我已经尽可能多地放在一起,但似乎无法正确编译它,它只是不断“按任意按钮继续......”


#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;

//Function prototypes (declaring the functions).
double velocity(double distance, int time);
double momentum(double *velocity ,double *mass);

//Main function.
int main()
    double PrimaryVelo(0);
    double TotalMomentum(0);
    int t(1);
    for (double d = 1; d <= 10; d++)
        PrimaryVelo = velocity(d, t);
    }  //End for the primary for loop. 
    system("pause"); //Prevents closing of debug automatically.
    return 0;
} //End of the main function.

//Pass-by-value method for velocity.
double velocity(double distance, int time)
    return distance / time;

//Pass-by-pointers method for momentum.
double momentum(double &velocity ,double &mass)
    return (velocity * 205);
C++ for 循环 引用传递


3赞 jrok 8/31/2014
0赞 chris 8/31/2014
0赞 8/31/2014
It should also have a for loop and necessary print statements to print the result in a tabular format.如前所述,您尚未满足此要求。
0赞 Antonio Romero 8/31/2014
::拍打自己的额头:: 我真是个白痴。
0赞 Antonio Romero 8/31/2014
@remyable 我认为 (double d = 1; d <= 10; d++) 是“for 循环”吗?对不起,我是个菜鸟:(


-1赞 The Mean Square 8/31/2014 #1

井。。。。 这是你的代码.....

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

double velocity(double distance, int time);
double momentum(double velocity ,double mass);

int main()
    double Mass=205;
    double Distance=100;
    double Velocity;
    //cout << "Time\t\tVelocity\tMomentum" << endl; //You'll need to reformat this
    for ( int Time = 1 ; Time <= 200 ; Time++ )
        cout << Time << "\t" ;
        cout << velocity ( Distance , Time ) << "\t" ;
        Velocity = velocity ( Distance , Time ) ;
        cout << momentum ( Velocity , Mass ) << endl ;

    // If you can't use conio.h and getch();
    // Use something like this to stop console from closing itself
    int a;  
    return 0;
double velocity(double distance, int time)
    return distance / time;

double momentum(double velocity ,double mass)
    return velocity * mass;


