提问人:ThePhycho 提问时间:1/10/2023 最后编辑:Michael M.ThePhycho 更新时间:1/17/2023 访问量:44
切换大小写提示默认为“A”,忽略 C 编码中的“B”
Switch Case Prompts default to 'A' and ignore 'B' in C Coding
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
enum burger_types {
Chicken, Ham, Vegie
struct Burger {
char receiptNumber[7];
enum burger_types BurgerType;
int quantity;
float totalPrice;
int main () {
int quantity;
float ChickenPrice = 15.0, HamPrice = 17.0, VegiePrice = 13, totalPrice, burgerDiscount = 0.9, burgerDiscountOffset = 0.1, discountTotal;
int choice;
const int MAX_RECEIPTS = 25;
struct Burger receipts[MAX_RECEIPTS];
int numReceipts = 0; // Number of receipts stored in the array
// Print menu
printf ("Menu:\n");
printf ("1. Order Burger\n");
printf ("2. Cancel Order\n");
printf ("3. Exit\n");
printf ("Enter your choice: ");
scanf ("%d", &choice);
switch (choice)
case 1:
// Order burger
char BurgerChoice;
printf ("Select the Burger Type\n ");
printf ("A – Chicken Burger – $15\n ");
printf ("B – Ham Burger – $17\n ");
printf ("C – Vegie Burger – $13\n ");
printf ("X – To return to Main Menu\n ");
scanf ("%c", &BurgerChoice);
getchar ();
case 'A':
// Chicken Burger
printf ("How many Chicken burgers would you like to order?\n ");
scanf ("%d", &quantity);
// Calculate total price and apply discount if necessary
if (quantity >= 5) {
totalPrice = quantity * ChickenPrice;
burgerDiscount = quantity * ChickenPrice * burgerDiscountOffset;
discountTotal = totalPrice - burgerDiscount;
} else {
totalPrice = quantity * ChickenPrice;
if (numReceipts < MAX_RECEIPTS) {
// Store receipt in array
snprintf (receipts[numReceipts].receiptNumber, 7, "B%04d", numReceipts + 1); // Assign string value
receipts[numReceipts].BurgerType = Chicken;
receipts[numReceipts].quantity = quantity;
receipts[numReceipts].totalPrice = totalPrice;
} else {
printf ("Cannot generate more receipts. Array is full.\n");
printf ("Your total bill value is $%.2f.\n", receipts[numReceipts - 1].totalPrice);
if (quantity >= 5) {
printf ("Discount 10%% - $%.2f\n", burgerDiscount);
printf ("Final Bill Value is $%.2f\n", discountTotal);
printf ("Your Receipt number is %s.\n",receipts[numReceipts - 1].receiptNumber);
printf ("Please go to a register and make the payment by quoting the Receipt Number - %s:\n",receipts[numReceipts - 1].receiptNumber);
// Prompt user to press any key to continue
getchar (); // Read and discard character from keyboard
printf ("\n<<Press any key to continue>>\n");
getchar ();
case 'B':
// Chicken Burger
printf ("How many Ham burgers would you like to order?\n ");
scanf ("%d", &quantity);
// Calculate total price and apply discount if necessary
if (quantity >= 5) {
totalPrice = quantity * HamPrice;
burgerDiscount = quantity * HamPrice * burgerDiscountOffset;
discountTotal = totalPrice - burgerDiscount;
} else {
totalPrice = quantity * HamPrice;
if (numReceipts < MAX_RECEIPTS) {
// Store receipt in array
snprintf (receipts[numReceipts].receiptNumber, 7, "B%04d", numReceipts + 1); // Assign string value
receipts[numReceipts].BurgerType = Ham;
receipts[numReceipts].quantity = quantity;
receipts[numReceipts].totalPrice = totalPrice;
} else {
printf ("Cannot generate more receipts. Array is full.\n");
printf ("Your total bill value is $%.2f.\n", receipts[numReceipts - 1].totalPrice);
if (quantity >= 5) {
printf ("Discount 10%% - $%.2f\n", burgerDiscount);
printf ("Final Bill Value is $%.2f\n", discountTotal);
printf ("Your Receipt number is %s.\n",receipts[numReceipts - 1].receiptNumber);
printf ("Please go to a register and make the payment by quoting the Receipt Number - %s:\n",receipts[numReceipts - 1].receiptNumber);
// Prompt user to press any key to continue
getchar (); // Read and discard character from keyboard
printf ("\n<<Press any key to continue>>\n");
getchar ();
case 2:
case 3:
// Exit
printf ("Goodbye!\n");
printf ("Invalid choice.\n");
while (choice != 3);
return 0;
IO 认为这可能是语法类型格式错误,但我不确定。 谢谢!
在您的代码中,我没有看到您正在打开,这是实际更改为相应汉堡菜单所必需的。因此,您需要做的就是创建一个使用 BurgerChoice 的内部 switch 语句,如下所示:BurgerChoice
switch (choice)
case 1:
// Order burger
char BurgerChoice;
printf ("Select the Burger Type\n ");
printf ("A – Chicken Burger – $15\n ");
printf ("B – Ham Burger – $17\n ");
printf ("C – Vegie Burger – $13\n ");
printf ("X – To return to Main Menu\n ");
scanf ("%c", &BurgerChoice);
// getchar ();
printf("Choice taken = %c", BurgerChoice);
case 'A':
// Chicken Burger
printf ("How many Chicken burgers would you like to order?\n ");
scanf ("%d", &quantity);
// Calculate total price and apply discount if necessary
if (quantity >= 5) {
totalPrice = quantity * ChickenPrice;
burgerDiscount = quantity * ChickenPrice * burgerDiscountOffset;
discountTotal = totalPrice - burgerDiscount;
} else {
totalPrice = quantity * ChickenPrice;
if (numReceipts < MAX_RECEIPTS) {
// Store receipt in array
snprintf (receipts[numReceipts].receiptNumber, 7, "B%04d", numReceipts + 1); // Assign string value
receipts[numReceipts].BurgerType = Chicken;
receipts[numReceipts].quantity = quantity;
receipts[numReceipts].totalPrice = totalPrice;
} else {
printf ("Cannot generate more receipts. Array is full.\n");
printf ("Your total bill value is $%.2f.\n", receipts[numReceipts - 1].totalPrice);
if (quantity >= 5) {
printf ("Discount 10%% - $%.2f\n", burgerDiscount);
printf ("Final Bill Value is $%.2f\n", discountTotal);
printf ("Your Receipt number is %s.\n",receipts[numReceipts - 1].receiptNumber);
printf ("Please go to a register and make the payment by quoting the Receipt Number - %s:\n",receipts[numReceipts - 1].receiptNumber);
// Prompt user to press any key to continue
getchar (); // Read and discard character from keyboard
printf ("\n<<Press any key to continue>>\n");
getchar ();
case 'B':
// Chicken Burger
printf ("How many Ham burgers would you like to order?\n ");
scanf ("%d", &quantity);
// Calculate total price and apply discount if necessary
if (quantity >= 5) {
totalPrice = quantity * HamPrice;
burgerDiscount = quantity * HamPrice * burgerDiscountOffset;
discountTotal = totalPrice - burgerDiscount;
} else {
totalPrice = quantity * HamPrice;
if (numReceipts < MAX_RECEIPTS) {
// Store receipt in array
snprintf (receipts[numReceipts].receiptNumber, 7, "B%04d", numReceipts + 1); // Assign string value
receipts[numReceipts].BurgerType = Ham;
receipts[numReceipts].quantity = quantity;
receipts[numReceipts].totalPrice = totalPrice;
} else {
printf ("Cannot generate more receipts. Array is full.\n");
printf ("Your total bill value is $%.2f.\n", receipts[numReceipts - 1].totalPrice);
if (quantity >= 5) {
printf ("Discount 10%% - $%.2f\n", burgerDiscount);
printf ("Final Bill Value is $%.2f\n", discountTotal);
printf ("Your Receipt number is %s.\n",receipts[numReceipts - 1].receiptNumber);
printf ("Please go to a register and make the payment by quoting the Receipt Number - %s:\n",receipts[numReceipts - 1].receiptNumber);
// Prompt user to press any key to continue
getchar (); // Read and discard character from keyboard
printf ("\n<<Press any key to continue>>\n");
getchar ();
1. Order Burger
2. Cancel Order
3. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Select the Burger Type
A – Chicken Burger – $15
B – Ham Burger – $17
C – Vegie Burger – $13
X – To return to Main Menu
1. Order Burger
2. Cancel Order
3. Exit
Enter your choice: B
Select the Burger Type
A – Chicken Burger – $15
B – Ham Burger – $17
C – Vegie Burger – $13
X – To return to Main Menu
How many Ham burgers would you like to order?
Your total bill value is $51.00.
Your Receipt number is B0001.
Please go to a register and make the payment by quoting the Receipt Number - B0001:
谢谢伙计!用于识别问题!所以它更像是一个混乱的嵌套开关盒,对吧?其次,我已经对代码进行了调整以包含辅助开关,但是它一直只选择鸡肉,并且不会更新选择 printf。有什么想法吗?对不起,如果我很痛苦